American Revolution British Grenadiers 1/32 (54 mm) Scale Model Plastic Figures

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  • American Revolution series
  • 1/32 scale (54 mm)
  • 16 Highly detailed plastic figures
  • Unpainted figures, painting required
  • Box dimensions: 8.25” L x 6.0” W x 1.2” H
  • Molded in tan

    A series of oppressive laws starting in 1763 & taxation without representation lead the colonies to conflicts and open revolt as early as 1771 at Alamance, and then final revolt at Concord & Lexington, on April 19, 1775.  The war quicky because global as France, Spain & Holland join the “American Cause” and German mercenaries joined England. Battles ranged from the Hudson Bay, Canada to the Indian Ocean – land & sea.

    With Yorktown, surrendering on Oct 19, 1781, and the battle of Chattanooga in 1783 the war in North America was over.  The last land battle of the ‘global war’ for England ended 8 years, 2 months and 9 days after Lexington on June 28, 1789, at Cuddalore. The Final Peace Treaty was signed in Pars on Sept 3, 1788.  England emerged still the greatest world power and the United States of America entered the world arena.  The ideas of independence spread quickly – the world had been ‘turned upside down’, the sun had risen on “the grand experiment”.

    A grenadier was originally a specialist soldier who threw hand grenades in battle. The distinct, combat function of the grenadier was established in the mid-17th century, when grenadiers were recruited from among the strongest and largest soldiers. By the 18th century, the grenadier dedicated to throwing hand grenades had become a less necessary specialist, yet in battle, the grenadiers were the physically robust soldiers who led assaults, such as storming fortifications during siege warfare.

    This A Call To Arms 1/32 scale set of 16 plastic figures represents soldiers of the British Grenadiers during the American Revolution.